Elastic Stack

Elasticsearch is an advanced analytics solution that facilitates the creation of high-performance and scalable environments for rapid search, indexing and analysis of large data volumes. Elastic Stack, formerly known as ELK Stack, is a set of tools designed for fast loading, efficient processing, optimal storage and analytical visualisation of data.

The set comprises:



an analytical engine in which data records are stored.



a tool for enriching, transferring and processing data.



a solution for analytical visualisation of data and software that also allows you to use key elements of the environment through a GUI.



a platform for lightweight transfer solutions to streamline data processing.

When combined, they offer an integrated solution for ultra-fast, comprehensive analysis and attractive data visualisation.

This technology is a must-have for organisations where fast access to critical information, efficient data processing and the ability to scale resources are key factors for business success.

What distinguishes solutions based on Elastic Stack?



The Elastic Stack family of solutions has been designed with flexibility in mind, meeting complex and evolving business requirements. By being flexible, they support growth and change, while ensuring strategic alignment with both current and future needs of your customers.



Elasticsearch offers high-speed data processing and retrieval. Accelerating your data analysis promotes more efficient decision-making, which is key to maintaining a competitive advantage in today’s rapidly evolving world.



Elasticsearch is designed to scale effectively. It allows you to manage growing volumes of data without sacrificing performance, which is essential for businesses looking to grow significantly in their industry.



Secure processing of data is what matters most in our Elastic Stack-based solutions. All environments are in line with state-of-the-art data security standards and trends.



All our solutions are designed for compatibility and easy integration. They can be integrated seamlessly with existing solutions and additional data sources can be added as part of ongoing development.


Real-time analytics

Elasticsearch permits real-time data processing and provides immediate insight into the analysis results.


Cost efficiency

Beyond accurate and immediate data processing, our environments are also designed to deliver long-term customer value. Scalable and powerful solutions translate into measurable ROIs.

Use of Elastic Stack in businesses


Product search engine on the website, capturing and analysing user behaviour on the shop website.

IT infrastructure

Aggregating vast volumes of data and logs per minute, while allowing real-time analysis and alerts.


Capturing transaction logs and customer behaviours, analysing transactions in real time to anticipate market trends.

Web/mobile apps

Data search engine in applications and aggregating user logs in the app to maintain the solution and detect anomalies in its functionalities.

These are only some of the use cases for Elastic Stack in business.

Would you like to know how Elastic can help your business grow?

The environments we implement support 1 million+ events per second.


million events per second

That’s how many records our biggest environments have handled since you’ve been on the site.

Development and improvement

Maintaining and developing existing Elasticsearch environments

We understand that implementing a data analysis environment is only the beginning. Maintaining the health and performance of Elastic Stack-based environments is crucial for sustained operational performance and data integrity. At Anthillo, we also develop, optimise and maintain solutions. Our services in this area include:

  • ongoing monitoring and verification of proper operation of the environment,
  • updates,
  • 24/7 technical support,
  • proactive measures to secure optimal performance and high availability,
  • implementing adequate security policies in line with the current standards.

Frequently asked questions

from our customers about Elasticsearch solutions

Is Elastic Stack expensive? Icon
We can implement a paid or free version of the solution, depending on the customer’s needs. Paid license versions include add-ons that are not always needed. Our proprietary add-ons can replace a number of paid features.
How is Elastic better than a relational database? Icon
The main advantage that sets the Elastic environment apart from standard databases is the speed of data retrieval and analysis, and the scalability of environments.
What data types can the environment support? Icon
We can support multiple data types in Elasticsearch. Structured data: SQL and CSV files, device and application logs, unstructured data: texts, e-mails and documents, partially structured data, e.g. JSON and XML files.
Can Elastic be integrated with my existing systems? Icon
Yes, we can integrate a solution that uses Elasticsearch with the existing components of your IT environment.
What does the implementation of the environment look like? Icon
The process of implementing the environment starts with defining the customer’s needs and sizing the environment. Next, our engineers proceed to install the solution and integrate with the specified data sources.
How long does it take to implement an Elastic Stack environment? Icon
The duration of implementation depends on the size and complexity of the environment. In our experience, it can take anywhere from several days to months.
How much does it cost to implement the environment? Icon
Since implementing an Elasticsearch environment is a complex task, it involves individual pricing for each project.

Contact us!

If you are interested in our offer or have further questions



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