
Cybersecurity has become integral to the IT world: from your personal phone to businesses to financial and government institutions. Unauthorised disclosure, loss of data, phishing and fraud are among the most widely recognised risks against which people want to protect themselves.

With a plethora of security solutions and software available on the market today and the complexity of IT infrastructures, businesses are asking themselves the following questions:

Are we really protected in the way we expect?
Are the solutions we have effective and necessary?
Which areas of security need more attention?


Automated pentesting – Pentera


Regular security testing

Since security is an continuous process, verifying security levels should also be organised as such. Performing tests several times a year potentially leaves plenty of room for weak links.


Realistic attack scenarios

For the verification to be as close to real life as possible, testing must be based on an actual attempt to overcome security measures, which is what a hacker would do.


Infrastructure security

The attack scenarios are realistic, while also being suited to the requirements of the enterprise market. Attack scenarios are developed and tested to ensure they are secure for your infrastructure and data.


Resilience to ransomware

The ability to block ransomware is one of the key sought-after features. The testing is realistic, yet safe for your data.


A moment in time

Your security depends on the defence measures in place and how they are configured. Without regular testing, you cannot be sure that your configuration works as intended everywhere at all times.

Any environment is only as resilient as its weakest link.

What is Pentera’s edge over the competition?

Integrating multiple techniques

Traffic analysis, search for account credentials and passwords left behind, password cracking, attempts to use credentials for continued penetration and attempted exploits.

Non-linear progress

After finding any data of interest (e.g. credentials), Pentera can go back to previously identified elements of the infrastructure and attempt to exploit them if the new data discovered can help further penetration.

Testing the actual effectiveness of EDR/XDR

The effectiveness of Endpoint Protection solutions at stopping attacks can be tested for different levels of sophistication (e.g. attack code obfuscation).

Anthillo's offer


Security of applications and infrastructure starts with their development and implementation. After automating the Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process, a natural next step is to focus more on security. DevSecOps integrates security tasks into CI/CD, leading to greater awareness of the entire team and delivering solutions that are secure by design.

SIEM/SOAR solutions

Being able to see what is happening in your network is a key element of security. Based on these events, anomalies and risks are detected. An event base, such as SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), also aids the analysis of security incidents. SOAR solutions (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response) serve to automate security processes and rapidly respond to incidents. By integrating data sources, tools and analysis rules, SOAR can automatically report, analyse and mitigate risks within the intended scope.

Security in the cloud

The security concept differs greatly from traditional security solutions in own data centres. We provide comprehensive advice and design the necessary elements for cloud environments. We provide security services for Multi-Cloud (multiple clouds) and Hybrid-Cloud (a cloud and own data centre) environments.

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