Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a series of algorithm families and solutions that are capable of processing complex data and extracting information from it.

It ranges from machine learning models capable of aggregating data or estimating numerical values, to generative models that can generate texts, sounds or images. While AI solutions have been present in business for more than 10 years, recently there has been a breakthrough that makes it even faster and easier for business to adopt AI.

Segment Anything Model (SAM)

A model for segmenting images with a single
click. It presents a pioneering ‘zero-shot’ solution in which the
model does not need to be trained on a particular type of object to
effectively perform segmentation.

How does AI accelerate business?


Using unstructured data:

modern algorithms allow us to work with unprocessed, raw data. It is possible to create effective machine learning pipelines even without having labeled and structured data at the input.


Accelerating analyses:

machine learning makes it possible to perform analysis even on very complex data, describing various business processes.


Links between various types of data:

it became possible to combine data in different formats and even from different domains to deliver valueable insights on specific problems. We can deliver insights from texts, images and audio.


Possible to ensure data privacy and secure use:

many of machine learning algorithms and tools can be deployed locally, ensuring data privacy and allowinng explainability.

AI – Use Cases

Sentiment analysis and prediction

Sensing the attitudes and anticipating the actions of customers:

  • sentiment towards a purchased product or service can be expressed as positive, negative or on a scale,
  • estimating the resources required in the future depending on a number of factors such as weather, date, cultural events and sales based on observations.


Generating personalised recommendation content:

  • matching content or items for a target audience or group of audiences based on behaviour, interests and interaction history.

Multimodal analysis

Synthesising data in texts, images, videos and sounds:

  • finding objects and events in a video,
  • linking rules extracted from a text to image content,
  • voice-to-text and text-to-voice transcription,
  • generating new content based on prompts,
  • instruction and code prototyping.

Anthillo's offer

AI adoption strategy

By analysing your business goals and requirements, we can help you choose the right tools and path to implement AI. We focus attention on both processes and technology.

Developing an MVP

Minimum Viable Product, i.e. a prototype solution. It allows you to quickly, and at low cost, verify your objectives and confirm how to implement your target AI solution on a full scale.

Implementing a production model of the AI

If you already have a validated model, for a full-scale implementation, certain quality, reproducibility and predictability of your ML or AI model’s performance must be met. We can implement MLOps, i.e. the learning process, the dataset requirements as well as the processes for training, verifying, retraining and assessing the quality of the model.

Contact us!

If you would like to find out more about AI or request an offer.



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